Creating new items

The easiest way to create items is to copy and edit publisher items. After you have some experience, you may want to create new items on your own.

To create an item:

  1. From the Mastering Instructor Course Home page, make sure the book containing the item is the book associated with the current course. The book for the course is identified in the bottom right corner.

    To select a course based on a different book/source: Select My Courses from the menu (left) and choose a course based on another book.

  2. Select Item Library from the menu (left).
  3. Select Create New Item (below the list of item results, next to Can’t find what you need?).


    By default, the Simple Editor opens. You’re encouraged to edit the new item using the Simple Editor, because of its ease of use and because it’s more universally supported on different browsers.

  4. [Optional] To use the Advanced Editor, select the Open Advanced Editor link (top right).
    Note that the Advanced Editor has stricter system requirements than the Simple Editor.

    To complete the item using the Advanced Editor, see these topics:

    Entering titles, descriptions, learning goals, and introductions

    Saving items (Validating items)

    Adding Parts (Setting access to Parts, Adding answer types)

    Adding Hints

    Adding transitions

    Entering answers

    Adding follow-up text